Students, submit your PHRD proposals here.

  • Students, please submit your research proposals for Public Health Research Day (PHRD) by March 3, 2025. PHRD is our annual conference highlighting student research accomplishments, particularly those of our graduating students. 
    • Once your abstract review is complete, you will also submit your poster through this website. Posters are due March 24th. All deadlines are 11:59pm of the date listed. 
    • Undergraduate honors students concentrating in public health, MPH and Biostatistics ScM thesis students, SPH PhD students, and SPH postdoctoral researchers are welcome to submit their independent research (i.e., you are the first co-author of the work).
    • Please, only one submission per student. Please email with questions. 
    • The Call for Abstracts guidance can be found here. 


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